Thursday, 5 March 2009

Realities of student life...

When the word 'student' is mentioned, most people think of late nights, even later mornings, doing no work, beans on toast and most of all - alcohol! 

This perception is probably partially right, but there is a lot more to being a student than that. Most people don't think about the 9am lectures, the pressured deadlines, the stress of looking after yourself and having no money!

When I first decided to come to University, I focused on the ways in which it would benefit me. I thought about the qualification I would gain, the people I would meet, the independence I would discover and the lifestyle I would enjoy. The thought of being in loads of debt didn't really worry me at all. I didn't mind the fact that I would be paying around £7000 a year just to live and work at university, because I knew that there was a structured way that I would pay it back. Plus the fact that thousands of students do it every year. 

However, I didn't anticipate that my loan and grant would barely cover my rent and I would be forced to max out my overdraft just to survive. I didn't think about having to live healthily on a tiny budget (which is pretty difficult, I might add). And I certainly didn't contemplate the possibility that I would have to give up my!

'Stop being a lazy student and get a job' most people would say, but trust me, it's not that easy. I'm exhausted from handing out CVs and emailing every company within Lincoln that I can find. It's certainly not the best time to be looking for a job. You just have to watch the news and you can see the increasing rate of unemployment. 

I've always been a bit of a worrier and stress about things I shouldn't, so needless to say I'm not the most relaxed person at the moment! Someone very close to me says “life is too short to worry, enjoy it while you can.” This is a viewpoint I am constantly trying to adopt...I just hope its all worth it in the end.

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